I live with my mother in small apartment. Yes she is single. And I like it that way. Mum had me when she was 18, actually just six days after her own birthday. You're probably all thinking "Single teenage mother, how in the hell did you turn out so well?" Probably because we both managed to over come every possible stereotype that comes with singe teenage mums and those who are raised by them. My mother still managed to take care of me full time while finishing high school. She also completed two years of college and two years of university, as well as being a full time mother and supported us with various part time jobs without any help from the government. She is the smartest person I know (in real life).
I also live with my cat. Her name is Maggie. There is not too much I can say about her, she's a cat. Just spend a couple of hours on tumblr or something. I personally think she's the cutest cat ever though.
You cannot in any way resist this face. Look at her and tell me you hate cats.
"But where's your dad?" Funny you should ask. If we go according to the laws of parents that aren't together then it should be that my father is a dead beat and I'm not in touch with him anymore. Which is actually completely untrue. My dad is awesome. He remarried when I was seven and my step-mom is pretty nice. My step-brother on the other hand probably has the worst social skills I have ever seen on a human being. This is including Sherlock Holmes and Sheldon Copper.
My dad owns his own IT company known as Leadwave something-or-other. He's pretty well off financially and likes to spend money on me even though it makes me feel super fuckin uncomfortable to the nth degree. In terms of interests and hobbies I have more in common with him then I do with mum.
My family is pretty small, but I like it.
Over and Out.
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